Various poverty eradication programmes have been initiated and implemented at different levels of the panchayats. The crux of these programmes intends and expects marginal families to come up and get mainstreamed. In spite of many faceted intervention policies 9% of the population do not get adequate food according to NSSO (61st Survey). In the last Rural Household Survey (RHS), 3.5% of the population has reported that even one meal a day is not certain for them. Another 16.5% face difficulty in arranging two square meals a day for all the months in a year. Based on these assessments the State Government in the Panchayats and Rural Development Department introduces the concept of Anti-poverty Sub Plan at the level of Panchayats.The policy guideline for Sahay has been conceptualised and formulated for sustainable and holistic development of the pro-poor focussing on interventions for the segments of the population who do not have the means to access the benefits being provided under the different poverty alleviation and social security programmes.


         Policy Guideline for Sahay


         Letters for Implementation

  1. Letter to DM & Sabhadhipati on Immediate Implementation of SAHAY-16.6.2009.doc
  2. Letter to DM & Sabhadhipati on Implementation of SAHAY-14.7.2009.doc
  3. Letter to DPRDOs for Trg of GP Officials in DTCs on SAHAY-27.7.2009.doc


         Presentation on Sahay